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March -- May


Tasks Completed:


  • Glenelg GT Fair Organized and Executed in Competition Format
  • NASA Astrobot Presentation given to Glenelg GT Fair, winning 1st place of 10-minute presenters
  • APL Student Learning Conference Organized (with Katie Gaverth and Shreyas Patel) and Executed
  • NASA Astrobot Presentation given to APL SLC
  • Served as judge of stand-alone trifold board presentations at the APL SLC
  • Attended SOHOP at JHU in preparation for attendance next year
  • Completed all AP tests
  • Started drafting Titanomachy novel
  • Made plans to attend an annual writers conference in Pennsylvania next August as both a guest, author searching for agent, and a 1 hour presenter (Story Structure)
  • Enrolled in summer classes in Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Calculus I and Calculus II at HCC for informal review before Hopkins
  • Prepared for senior graduation requirements in general
  • Continued duties as leader of Engineering Girls GIFTS Program at Bushy Park Elementary School (one meeting left before their GT fair where they will show off Alice projects)
  • Attended seminars
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Second Quarter Summary Reflection

November -- January


My activities have been as follows:

  • Attend seminars
  • Present 5-minute oral project summary and about mentorship class to Ms. Chawkat's 1st period English 11 AP
  • Attend Community Info Night on December 7
  • Acquired Mentor Evaluation
  • Completed 2nd Quarter Review Board
  • Completed Self-Evaluation
  • Completed University Challenge development (Acceptance to JHU)
  • Completed Summary Review
  • Completed a new research proposal.
  • Kept up with regular journaling
  • Collected data on 14 novels and 23+ movies
  • Contributed to Marketing Committee
  • Established Writing Committee
  • Continued efforts towards planning April GT Conference (met with Mr. Schindler regarding funds)
  • Became Student Executive Committee member (SEC) for Student Learning Conference (SLC), and am currently in the running for president, vice president, and welcoming speaker.
  • Finished SIT (School Improvement Team) duties as student body representative in planning the SLC (Student Leadership Conference) Event in December.
  • Have implemented GoogleDocs Forms to analyze research progress and popular opinion of certain executive decisions before they were made.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

First Quarter Summary Reflection

September 31st -- November 5th


Completed Class and Personal Goals Explanation
X Attend Seminars 9/11, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13
X 10 Annotated Bibs 8/31
X Find Mentor Dr. Amy Chai
X Complete Mentor Paperwork Mentor background form, 2 references, school carbon sheet
X Create Online Portfolio 10/8
X 5-min PowerPoint Uploaded to the Presentation tab; will be presented to Glenelg classes in related areas of study, and Wilde Lake class on November 13th.
 X Note from Teacher of Glenelg Class in which will present Exact date has not been set yet, however the 5 minute oral will be given to three Glenelg English 10 GT classes sometime in December.  Please see the "presentations" tab under the "Presentations and Evaluations" section.
X Complete Draft of Experimental Design First outline of experiment plans: variables and data collection/analysis techniques: will be edited further: shown in Research Proposal tab
X Fulfill Hourly Requirement  Cumulative count of 212 hours
X Consult Mentor 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/7
 X 20 Annotated Bibs  Viewable under the "Annotated Bibliography" section.
 X Journals  Have been kept since summer work until now.
 X Summary Reflection  Present in this table, and in the brief summary of the self-evaluation.
X Self-Evaluation  Brief paragraph outlining completed activities and justification for proposed grade
 X Mentor Evaluation  First quarter mentor evaluation available under the "Mentor Evaluations" section of the "Presentations and Evaluations" tab.
 X University Challenge Submitted to Rensselaer Polytech Institute in New York.  This school is of interest because it has the option of a combined premedical program.
X Leadership Duties Attend conferences, publicize annual due dates (transfer info to calendars), represent Mentorship at Back to School Night, arrange retreat 10/30 (help coordinate administration's approval: date, transportation, catering plans, permission slips), Engineering Cluster email updates/questions, Writing Committee annual objectives, assist in 1st Quarter Review Boards
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Second Quarter Summary Reflection

November 6th - January 22nd


Completed Class and Personal Goals Explanation
 X Attend Seminars Nov 20th, Dec 9th, and Jan 6th
 X Journaling All notable events and discoveries are recorded in journals posted to online portfolio under "Journals" section under "Second Quarter" tab.
 X Consult Mentor Nov 23rd
 X Fulfill Hourly Requirement Surplus since summer. (Current count will be listed here shortly)
 X Prepare for 5min Oral Presentation Draft was editted and practiced. Final copy emailed to Dr. Bezilla by Nov. 10th deadline in preparation for subsequent scheduled presentation.
 X Give 5min Oral Presentation First presentor at Mentorship Conference held at Wilde Lake 3-5pm Nov 13th; time assigned for humanities-related projects around county.
 X Writing Committee Duties Prepare presentation explaining paper guidelines on Nov 20th. Help organize each WC member's responsibility in terms of assigning specific papers to edit. Edit my assigned papers by Dec 9th.
 X Engineering Girls Responsibilities Assistant instructor in introduction course to Java Alice for Bushy Park elementary school girls. Attend monthly meetings: Nov 20th.  Missed Dec 10th meeting.
  32 Annotated Bibliography Entries Total Post to online portfolio under "Annotated Bibliography" section.
 X GT Info Night Dec 3rd 7pm. Support Mentorship Program
 X Presentation in Glenelg Class Brief presentation with intent to promote IR and Mentorship programs in class of related area of study. Completed Dec 8th: 5th period to Mr. Kemp's English 10 GT class.
 X Photo with Mentor Post to online portfolio under "Presentations and Evaluations" section under "Photo with Mentor" tab.
 X Portfolio Evaluation Evaluation of online portfolio by mentor according to "Portfolio Evaluation" form. Posted on online portfolio under "Evaluations and Presentations" section under "Portfolio Evaluations" tab.
 X Self-Evaluation Proposal and support for grade earned. Posted to online portfolio under "Evaluations and Presentations" section under "Self-Evaluations" tab.
 X Summary Reflection Articulation of all tasks complete/not complete that relate to mentorship. This is the Summary Reflection.
 X Meeting Record List of dates indicating times spent at mentorship site. Posted to online portfolio under "Presentations and Evaluations" section under "Meeting Record" tab.
 X Paper Project report guided by central thesis and supported by data collected in personal research conducted so far this year.
 X Project Proposal Experimental design and brief explanation of real-world applications of research. Posted to online portfolio under "Project Proposal" section under both tabs "First Component" and "Second Component".
 X SLC Proposal Project proposal for application as presentor at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (JHUAPL) Student Learning Conference (SLC) for mentorship students around the county.
X Attend Leadership Meetings

Nov 20th meeting: Prepare calendar and course packet for discussion. Receive responsibility (joint with Casey Mason) of organizing next year's calendar of deadlines pending the release of the county's official school calendar in December.


Dec 1st: Finalize and distribute list of all current mentorship students, clusters, committees, and contact info; decide on new way to improve system for next year; practice new system for online posting calendar deadlines for next year.


Dec 30th meeting: Preview and comments on GT info night PowerPoint Presentation.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Third Quarter Summary Reflection

January 23 - March 1


Completed Class and Personal Goals Explanation
 X Journaling All notable events and discoveries are recorded in journals posted to online portfolio under "Journals" section under "Third Quarter" tab.
 X Fulfill Hourly Requirement Surplus since summer. (Current count will be listed here shortly)
 X Submit Mentorship Application February 3rd for 2010-2011 school year
 X Visual Display Ashcraft Approval formality: choice = PowerPoint 25 min
 X Mentor Evaluation of Portfolio previously completed; available under the "Mentor Evaluations" tab of the "Presentations and Evaluations" section
 X Attendee and Speaker at the Maryland GT State Conference held from 6-9 at the Miller Senate Building in Annapolis; receive "GT Student of the Year" Award on behalf of Howard County
 X Head Conference Committee Wednesday February 24th meeting to establish roles.  Create and distribute 100 invitations.  Thursday March 18th meeting to refine plans and find locations for presenters.  Format and distribute brochure of planned evening events.
X Priority Presenter at the Glenelg GT Enrichment Fair First presentation of my 25 minute PowerPoint for an audience.  One of three presenters in session one.  April 21st.
X Presenter at the APL Student Learning Conference 25 minute presenter.  Same presentation given at the Glenelg Enrichment fair.  April 23rd.
  Self-Evaluation Proposal and support for grade earned. Posted to online portfolio under "Evaluations and Presentations" section under "Self-Evaluations" tab.
 X Summary Reflection Articulation of all tasks complete/not complete that relate to mentorship. This is the Summary Reflection.
 X Meeting Record List of dates indicating times spent at mentorship site. Posted to online portfolio under "Presentations and Evaluations" section under "Meeting Record" tab.
X Fulfill Leadership Duties

Process SLC documents: organize late/redone submissions, distribute permission slips to all juniors planning to return to the program, take primary leadership role in conference committee (see conference committee duties listed above).


Collect official record of attendance listings for all mentorship classes.


Continue email updates, particularly regarding virtual abstract instructions and questions. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.