DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Mitchell Baker

Independent Research


22 January 2010


This week I finalized my intership with Dr. karanian and met with me thursday afternoon.  He showed me their central operation room, patients in the program (pigs), and the computer center through which they analyze thier data through the application of various programs.  I spent aproxminetally 3 hours with othe experienced interns at the lab, who showed me how to operate various computer programs and the basi outline of each day.  The visit to the central operating room was escpecially interesting given the complex scanning and cathereter equitment through which they use to conduct stent trials.  I was even shown a previous study which uncovered a major fault in stents that are pre-medicated as they slow the process of re-endothelialism, exposing the operated area to intense pressure and lipid coagulation, therefore leading to the reproach of restinosis. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.