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Student Learning Conference Presentation Proposal Cover Sheet


This year will mark the 18th annual Howard County Gifted and Talented Student Learning Conference, a day-long conference at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Kossiakoff Center in Laurel at which students in the Intern/Mentor and Independent Research Programs have an opportunity to present the results of their research and creative investigations with audiences of students and adults in the Howard County Public School System.  There will be several successive sessions occurring simultaneously, which will include 25-minute oral presentations and 10-minute visual display presentations.  Attendees will register their first, second, and third choice of presentation to attend for every session.  The conference will also include a performing arts session at which current students in either the Intern/Mentor or Independent Research Program demonstrate their talents in music, creative writing, dance, film, and other lively arts.  Not all applicants’ proposals to present will be accepted.  The G/T Resource Teachers, as a committee, review applications and build a program that will include examples of excellent student work and also enough variety so that sessions will offer something of interest to all attendees.

Presenting at an academic or professional conference is considered an honor.  Getting accepted to present can be extremely competitive.  When adults update their resumes, they include all the conference presentations they have made in order to demonstrate that they are influential leaders in their fields.  Having your name published in a conference program adds to your professional reputation, and the program, itself, can be included as an impressive artifact in your portfolio.

Before you submit your proposal to your teacher, check your date book to determine if you are free to present on April 23 and to attend the rehearsal on April 20 from 2:15 – 3:30 p.m. On the date of the conference, you will be expected to arrive by car before the conference begins and to attend the conference until it ends (shortly before schools dismiss.)  Only those students who sign in the box below will be considered as possible speakers.  Presenting at a countywide conference involves a serious commitment, as students have registered for your session and your name has been printed in the program.  Once again, please do not submit a proposal unless you are committed to presenting! 


(Please check one)      _x__ Independent Research Student          ____ Intern/Mentor Student


Presentation Preference: ___x__ Visual Display       _______Oral Presentation


Presenter____Alex Sanna_________ School______Glenelg High School___________


Home Phone_(301) 854 5213______    Topic__Music Recording_________________


Email  ____guitarrulesall@gmail.com_________________________


Presentation Category:

___Applied Arts                                  ___Education                                                       _x_Mass Communication  

___Behavioral Science                       ___Engineering/Computer Science                  ___Performing Arts

___Business                                         ___Language/Humanities                                  ___Science Research

___Clinical Medicine                          ___Law                                                                  ___Veterinary Medicine


Submission Checklist:

ü       Completed cover sheet

ü       A typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font final copy of your proposal

ü       A typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font biography

ü       Send an electronic copy of both documents to your G/T Resource teacher saved as lastname.firstname.school (Example:  kelly.natalie.atholton)


* If selected, I will attend the Student Learning Conference on April 24, 2009 from 7:15 a.m. to 1:15 pm. and the rehearsal on April 20th from 2:15 – 3:30 p.m.



Student Signature



Conference Proposal Planning Sheet


As you complete this planning sheet, refer to the models provided on the following pages to write a clear, concise and grammatically correct proposal to attach to the first sheet.   Consider the following when finalizing the proposal:

  • The proposal should contain 4-5 sentences.
  • Each sentence beginning should vary in structure.
  • The sentences should vary in length.



Step 1:  The Title

  A great title should be catchy and informative. 


___The History of American Music____________________________________________




Step 2:  The Beginning

     Option #1

Start your conference description with a statement that expresses your research problem or question. 

  Option #2

Start your conference description with an interesting fact or statistic based on your topic.

  Option #3

Start your conference description with a definition stated in a creative way. (Do not start with according to Webster’s Dictionary…)

Option #4

       Start your conference description with a rhetorical question that entices attendees to want to learn more about your topic.


______Did you know that Amazing Grace is the single most recorded song?­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________







Step 3:  The Body

  In 2-3 sentences discuss 2-3 interesting points/facts related to your research topic.


_________The first phonograph was released in 1877 by Thomas Edison _____________


_________The first vinyl Record was released in 1929 and replaced the cylinder_______


_________The first recording of a human voice dates from 1860 and was recorded on a_







Step 4: The Conclusion

Conclusions can take many forms but should sum up the essence of the presentation and let the audience know what they will learn by attending.

       The following prompts may assist you:

               This presentation will…

               A call to action

                     This journey of…

   Under the guidance of the student’s mentor,…

   To share his/her expertise the student will…


            This project will chronicle the changes of recording technology and the evolution of the music recorded.


Step 5:  The Biography

Using the following examples as a model, write a short biography that may be read by a host to introduce you at the Student Learning Conference.  Information may include accomplishments, how your research interest developed, information on your mentor/advisor and any life experiences that have contributed to your project.

            Alex Sanna is a Junior at Glenelg High School. He is a proficient guitar player and plays in his schools jazz band, under the direction of Barry Enzman. He wishes to go to College and study music recording and technology with the hopes of composing and recording music for movies and/or video games for a living. He is passionate about music as well as it's history.

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