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             Matheson, Julia, and Carl Simons. The Glory of the Bolshoi. 1995. Warner Music Group. Videocassette.

This video, coming from the 1950’s, shows two dancers, a male and a female, performing a pas de deux. The pas de deux is performed portraying a love story between the male and female. The female dancer is performing with pointe shoes and a dress that ends just above the knees. The male dancer does perform some dancing himself, but mostly helps in accentuating the ballerina. The ballerina is extremely talented and performs many impressive lifts and jumps, especially considering the time period.   

            I found this source to be extremely helpful in learning how hyperextension affects dancers. I watched this video in the dance class I mentor because it related to their ballet unit. I noticed that while watching this video, even though the ballerina was extremely talented and performed amazing tricks, I was subconsciously judging her dancing. I realized after that it was because she did not have hyperextended knees and I had become so accustomed to seeing ballerinas with hyperextended knees that her knees did not look straight and her foot did not look as pointed because it was not accentuated by the hyperextended knees.

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