DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Part I

  1. Within the field of jazz improvisation, harmony, rhythm, phrasing, and language will be studied.
  2. Knowledge in the field will be acquired through working with the mentor, studying recorded jazz, reading about the music’s history, and attending live performances. Knowledge and skills will be developed through rigorous individual practice. The acquired knowledge and skills will be demonstrated through recorded performances.
  3. Outcomes of this year of study will include a compilation of recorded performances showing growth, educational performances, and an analysis of the effectiveness of the approach to improving improvisation.
  4. The need to determine an effective way to develop one’s jazz improvisation skills will be addressed while the student creates a body of work.
  5. The project is intended for the student himself, fellow musicians and anyone who will examine his work. The outcomes will be presented to the student’s mentor, while the results are intended for all aspiring jazz musicians.
  6. The audience will have local, state, and national components. This is partially dependant on the venue of certain performances.
  7. The outlet vehicle for the product is live performance in any capacity.
  8. Fellow musicians to perform with, saxophone equipment, recording devices, jazz records, jazz history analects, venues to perform at, and occasions to perform are all necessary resources.
  9. Special considerations for this project include the amount of practice time available/used, transportation to the mentor and performance sites, and special permission to perform at certain places.


Part II

The project should follow this tentative timeline:


-First Marking Period: Monthly documents of performance


- Second Marking Period: Monthly documents of performance and mid-year evaluation of progress


-Third Quarter: Monthly documents of performance and educational performances


-Fourth Quarter: Monthly documents of performance, educational performances, and final evaluation of progress

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.