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Project Goals:


I am studying the chimpanzees at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.  My research involves the integration of two male chimps into the Zoo’s existing troop of nine.  Any introduction of new chimps involves changes in the structure of the troop, so I am comparing my data to baseline data that I collected last year.  Since the new chimps were involved in the entertainment industry, they have exhibited a few abnormal behaviors, which is typically for chimpanzees with their background.  In addition to analyzing changes in the overall troop structure, I am focusing on changes in the behavior of the resident male and on an analysis of the effectiveness of the integration and how the entertainment experience of the new chimps may have altered their introduction.





I collected 54 hours of observational data.  I noted all of the social interactions that I observed and periodically monitored the behaviors of individuals so I can understand how each individual spends his/her time.  I have 18 hours of observations from last year, before the new chimps were introduced, so I am tracking changes in the troop by comparing data from the two years.





  • research paper
  • GT Fair and SLC presentations
  • will share my findings with the animal care staff




Thesis:  The addition of two adolescent male chimpanzees, Jack and Louie, to the existing community at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore will alter the dominance structure and association patterns of the chimpanzees that are currently in the troop, with the current adolescent male, Kasoje, being affected by the alterations to a greater degree than the eight female chimpanzees.


Analyzing the dominance hierarchy and agonistic behaviors will mostly involve data on the three males.  Since I will be tracking changes in the behaviors of the chimps, a main focus will be on Kasoje, the resident male, and comparing the extent of the changes in his behavior with changes in the behavior of the females.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.