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Breaking the Addiction: Opiate Treatment vs. Non-Opiate Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)


       Neonatal abstinence syndrome affects 55-95% of newborns exposed to drugs while in the womb. This disease can cause everything from behavioral issues to death from stroke. Although this disease may seem dangerous it is not untreatable. There are two main groups of treatment for this disease: opiate treatment and non-opiate treatment. This paper will determine which treatment is the safest and the most beneficial for the child. It will show research on neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), opiate treatment of NAS, and non-opiate treatment of NAS. It will compare and contrast both opiate and non opiate treatment to decide which one is the most effective and safe. It will also utilize interviews, books, and articles to determine the better treatment. From this paper an informative film will be created. This will be presented in a multi media presentation to a panel of neonatologist, pediatricians and NICU. By presenting to this panel, it will allow the participants to reconsider the current treatments that they are using and adjust them to best fit the need of the newborn. Also this research will raise awareness about NAS and the importance of treatment.  



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.