DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Intern/Mentor Program

Gifted and Talented Program

Product Abstract


Each student in the Intern/Mentor program must carry out an advanced research project for a real purpose and present this to a professional audience which is capable of evaluating the quality, authenticity, and novelty of the project. The following information, provided by the student, gives an overview of the proposed project as it is currently planned.

Student: Nicole Zimmerman

Research Title: Comparative Laboratory Animal Policies and Systems in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Japan.

Purposes: To explain the different laws and policies concerning the usage of animals in biomedical and behavioral research in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Japan. To clarify the different aspects of the United States’ Public Health Service Policy and other issues in animal care and use in PHS funded research to an audience of staff and IACUC members at OLAW assured institutions by transcribing OLAW’s quarterly seminars.


  • Update the information found in the Institute of Laboratory Animal Research Journal’s 1995 issue.
  • Examine the laws and policies governing the use of animals in biomedical and behavioral research in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Japan.
  • Summarize and contrast each country’s regulations.
  • Compose transcripts of OLAW quarterly web seminars.
  • Publish the transcripts to the OLAW website.

Expected Product or Outcome

  • Complete and accurate transcripts of all OLAW seminars.
  • An extensive, informative research paper detailing the current laboratory animal regulations in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Japan.

Novelty of the Product

The transcripts of the seminars will allow busy researchers and the hearing impaired to access the OLAW seminars in a way other than listening to it. This way they can read them during their downtime, such as their commutes. From there, the information they learn from the seminars will allow them to better follow the PHS policy and fulfill their roles as IACUC members, staff at OLAW assured institution and IOs. They will be able to easily access the transcripts in the education section of the OLAW website.


IACUCs, staff at OLAW assured institutions and Institutional Officials.


The transcripts will be posted on the OLAW website, and will be viewable by the audience at any time.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.