DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Part I -- Questions

What specific area(s) within the field will be investigated, researched, and/or studied?

                For my final research project, I will be studying different animal welfare relegations within different countries and how they’re influenced by cultural values. I’ll take a look at the United States, of course, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan and possibly others. I’ll start from the 1995 Institute of Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) Journal issue on this, and work on updating the information there.

How will knowledge or ability in the field be acquired, developed, and demonstrated through the year?

                I’ll expand, and demonstrate, my knowledge of the field of laboratory animal welfare policy and regulgation by working with the Division of Policy and Education of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) in the National Institutes of Health. Additionally, I will read the publications put out by other laboratory animal welfare regulatory offices, journal articles about them, and anything else I can possibly find. I will contact OLAW’s peer regulatory offices in these other countries for any possible information and resources.

What will be the product(s) and/or outcomes of the year of study?

                Each quarter, OLAW puts out an internet seminar for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) staff, and Institutional Officials (IOs). The seminars help staff explore various parts of their animal care responsibilities. Upcoming seminars include “The OLAW Annual Report: What You Need to Know” and “Ethics and IACUC Responsibility”.  After the seminar, the recording, the speaker’s slides, and a transcription of the seminar are posted on the website. For my final product, I will transcribe the seminars. I have already transcribed out 9/08 seminar “Freedom of Information Act Policies” and part of out 09/09 seminar “Emerging Issues, USDA Perspective”.

What proven need will be addressed? What real problem will be solved? What question will be researched?

                The seminar transcription will help researchers, and others involved with laboratory animals everywhere in the United States. For example, if someone is hard of hearing, or can’t play the conference on their computer they can just read the transcript instead and get the information.  Additionally, if an IACUC staff member finds the seminars, and wants to know if whether or not they should listen to it, they can skim the transcript and find out, or if they need to quickly look something up they can just search the transcript.

Who is the intended audience of the project? Who, other than the student, will learn or benefit as a result of the work? To whom will the outcomes be communicated to or performed for the selected audience? For whom is the product or result intended?

                My intended audience is any IACUC member, staff member, veterinarians, compliance staff, etc at OLAW assured institutions.

Will the audience be local, state, or national?


How will the product and outcomes be communicated to or performed for the selected audience? What will be the outlet vehicle?

                The transcripts will be posted on the OLAW website so they will be easily accessible to any members of my intended audience.

What resources will be required for the project (human, print, organizations, media)?

                Other than a computer, headphones, and the Journal, I  can’t foresee any additional resources that I might need.

What are the special considerations of the project? (cost, materials, equipment, transportation, special permission, printing/distribution)

                Well for the paper, I can write it but I have to be sure that it doesn’t come across as being from OLAW because that’s not allowed. Also, my transcripts have to go through numerous channels in order to go on the OLAW website.

Part II – Timeline


07/09 – Completed transcript of “Freedom of Information Act Policies”

09/30/09 – Worked on “Emerging Issues, USDA Perspective” Transcript

12/10/09 – Seminar: “The OLAW Annual Report: What You Need to Know”.  I’ll go to the recording of this.

  • Work on, finish, and check seminar transcript. TBA. Sometime winter break?

3/11/10 – Seminar: “Physical Plant Issues”. Hopefully I’ll go to the recording of this too.

  • Work on finish, and check seminar transcript. TBA. Sometime spring break?

Paper Research Timeline

08/09 – Wrote ~3 page paper on how OLAW works, and United States Animal regulations.

10/16/09 – Read 1995 Issue of ILAR Journal Laboratory Animal Care Policies and Regulations in Canada, Japan, New Zealand, United States, and the United Kingdom.

11/09 – Research UK, update ILAR Journal, write it up.

12/09 – Canada. Same.

1/10 – New Zealand. Same.

2/10 – Japan. Same.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.